Headers and Footers

Headers and Footers

Switching to Page Layout View

To effectively create and modify headers and footers, switch your document to Page Layout view. This can be done as follows:
1. In your document window, locate the status bar at the bottom.
2. Within the status bar, find the Document View Control Bar, which displays multiple icons when a document is open.

Document's View Control Bar
3. Click on the first icon to toggle the document display to Page Layout view, allowing you to see headers, footers, and margins as they will appear when printed.

To insert headers or footers in your document:
1. Change the document layout to Page Layout.
2. Double-click the top of the page to activate the header area or the bottom to activate the footer area.

3. To exit the header or footer editing mode, double-click on any part of the main body of the document.

Within the header or footer, you may:
- Type and style text according to your requirements.
- Insert automatic page numbers or page counts by right-clicking to bring up the context menu, then select [Insert] > [Page Number/Page Count].

Styling Headers and Footers

To style text within headers and footers:
1. Use the Styles tool available in the toolbar. If the desired style isn’t listed, click on the [Icon] next to the Styles list.

2. Customise fonts and styles via the dialog window that opens. Click [OK] to apply and add your custom style to the Styles list. Utilising Styles enhances efficiency as it reduces the need for repetitive manual text formatting.

Adjusting Margins

Edit document margins using the vertical ruler. Note that the minimum top margin may vary based on the print device used.

Creating Right-Aligned Titles

For right-aligned titles:
1. Click the alignment button in the toolbar until the right align icon is displayed.
2. Click on the ruler to place the alignment tab at the desired position.
3. Press [Tab] when typing to align the text right to the set tab position.

These steps will help you effectively manage document layout settings, specifically focusing on headers, footers, and text alignment, to ensure your documents are professionally formatted.


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